Sunday, April 4, 2010

Adventures in Cluck Clucks

About two years ago we began discussing how we'd start in supplying for ourselves and the topic of chickens came up.
Mum wanted hens, i mean whats better? once grown they will help keep the ticks and bugs down, provide some of the best fertilizer available AND make us breakfast every day...

I started doing my homework...

I found out that our municipality allows up to 4 hens in our the plans began...
as plans took shape so did our thoughts change...
4 hens wouldnt give us enough to feed the family, so we talked to our neighbors. None of them had a problem with us having chickens, infact they were excited about the prospect and so, like many suburban chicken keepers we decided to go with ninja chickens...

Yes folks, after meeting chicks and putting thought into it...weve decided to push the boundries...
*SHHH, dont tell*

why then? you ask, are you announcing all this online?

because quite frankly I belive the restrictions on keeping some pack yard livestock to be rather ridiculous.
I DO understand issues with noise...
i also understand respecting neighbors, and sanitary issues...
however for the majority of back yard "farmers" these are never a concern. we wouldnt dream of doing anything that would bother our neighbors because we wish to educate people on the benefits of getting back to basices...
and cleanliness, well these animals provide for us, the least we can do is make sure they are kept clean, and healthy...

and so, im here.

and so our adventure in chickens began.

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